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Latest Insights

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Can we trust the numbers behind ESG? | Richard Hardyment

INSIGHT by Richard Hardyment, the author of the book ‘Measuring Good Business: Making Sense of ESG Data’ , Head of Business Engagement at the Institute of Business Ethics

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Closing the global biodiversity funding gap is addressing systemic challenges | Emine Isciel

INSIGHT by Emine Isciel, Head of Climate and Environment at Storebrand and co-chair of the Finance for Biodiversity (FfB) Foundation working group on Public Policy Advocacy, developed this Op-Ed as a position ahead of the UN CBD COP16 preparatory meetings in May 2024, in Nairobi, Kenya. This article was first published by the Finance for Biodiversity Foundation. Photo credit: Kristian Skalland Moen/Storebrand.

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Net zero targets are not feasible without a circularity strategy in place | Alessia Falsarone

Q&A with Alessia Falsarone, executive in residence, practitioner faculty at the University of Chicago, Circular Economy and Sustainable Business program Lead. Her portfolio of board positions include: (1) Independent Director, Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A.; (2) Independent Credit Committee Member, Innovate UK Loans Ltd (Government Agency); (3) Operating Board Member, OpenCorporates Ltd.; (4) Board Chair; former Treasurer, iEarn-USA, World Economic Forum School of the Future. Photo credit: Asiya Khaki Photography.

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Are you making the same mistake as the majority of people when “assessing water risks”?

INSIGHT by Jennifer Moeller-Gulland is the Founder and Manging Director of Water Security Collective. Photo credit: Sherrie.

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Mission: Transition | WWF

INSIGHT by Nicolas Poolen, Senior Manager, Nature Positive Finance, WWF International

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Owning a slice of the global economy responsibly with TNFD | NBIM

Q&A with Snorre Gjerde, Lead Investment Stewardship Manager at Norges Bank Investment Management

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Will Europe’s new standard help or hinder green bond market growth? | IEEFA

The recently adopted European Green Bond Standard (EUGBS) promises to boost investor confidence and support the long-term growth of the green bond market, an asset class that has become an essential source of funding for the net-zero transition.

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How can EU firms validate their green claims to comply with EU ban on greenwashing of products?

The Internal Market and Environment committees adopted on Wednesday their position on the rules on how firms can validate their environmental marketing claims.

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Aviva case study: Tackling deforestation – a central part of our climate and biodiversity efforts | Global Canopy

Biodiversity loss is an increasingly well-recognised driver of potential financial risks, and yet the financial sector continues to contribute to the rapid decline in plant and animal species through its investment and underwriting activities. At Aviva we recognise our role in contributing to the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework of halting and reversing biodiversity loss by 2030 and are committed to make progress towards this goal, through implementation of our Biodiversity Policy.

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Investors view the quality of available climate data as “insufficient” | Ceres

With the growing climate crisis creating significant risks and opportunities in capital markets, the Ceres Accelerator for Sustainable Capital Markets released a new report today sharing investor insights on the quality of climate data, where the most critical credibility gaps lie, and how high quality, independent assurance can help close those gaps.

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New Green Shoots: 6 trending products for nature finance and 5 nature investing themes to watch in 2024

INSIGHT by Jessica Smith (lead author), Alexander (Sasha) Wiese, Rhea Kochar, Anne-Marie Bor, Sylvaine Rols, Natacha Boric

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IFRS Foundation and GRI publish summary of interoperability considerations for GHG emissions

The Global Reporting Initiative and the IFRS Foundation have today jointly published a new analysis and mapping resource: Interoperability considerations for GHG emissions when applying GRI Standards and ISSB Standards.

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Addressing challenges in biodiversity reporting | Q&A with Philippe Diaz

Q&A by Gabriella Lovas with EFRAG TEG’s Philippe Youssef Garduño Diaz about the challenges related to reporting on biodiversity and ecosystems

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Voting: ‘Asset managers turning their backs on people and planet on an unprecedented scale’ | ShareAction

Today, ShareAction is releasing its fifth annual report analysing how the world’s largest asset managers voted in 2023 on shareholder resolutions that were aimed at addressing environmental and social issues. The overall picture of the results is that support for these resolutions has catastrophically crashed to a level not seen before in the report series.

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The role of water security in reaching net-zero emissions: energy companies deeply exposed to water risks | CDP

Data released today by the global non-profit, CDP, provides fresh insight into how companies and investors are responding to the global water crisis.

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Responsible Investment: An Insider’s Account of What’s Working, What’s Not and Where Next | Q&A with Will Martindale

Q&A with Will Martindale, Co-founder and Managing Director at Canbury and former Director of Policy and Research at UN PRI

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Risk-mitigation for scaling renewable energy in developing countries

INSIGHT by Gireesh Shrimali, University of Oxford; Labanya Jena, Climate Policy Initiative. Views are personal and do not represent that of our employers.

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Water crisis threatens US$58 trillion in economic value, food security and sustainability | WWF

Water, the world’s most precious yet undervalued resource, lies at the heart of a mounting global crisis that threatens both human and planetary health, warns a new report, published today by WWF.

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The IFRS Foundation has launched the IFRS Sustainability knowledge hub to support use of the ISSB Standards

The IFRS Foundation has launched the IFRS Sustainability knowledge hub to support use of the ISSB Standards from next year. The hub went live at COP28’s Climate Action Day and is a key component of the IFRS Foundation’s capacity building programme.

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New cooperation agreement between EFRAG and GRI reached, as GRI-ESRS Interoperability Index is made publicly available

Following a successful partnership between EFRAG and GRI over the past three years, a new Memorandum of Understanding has been signed, which substantiates the benefits of the alignment achieved between the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and the GRI Standards and commits the organisations to continue working together to deliver technical support for reporting companies.

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EU Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products: Guidance for financial institutions and corporates | Climate Bonds Initiative

Climate Bonds Initiative has released pivotal guidance on the European Union’s Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products. This comprehensive guide equips corporates and financial institutions to meet and exceed the EUDR’s requirements, advancing global sustainability standards.

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The path to limiting global warming to 1.5 °C has narrowed, but clean energy growth is keeping it open | IEA

Update of IEA’s landmark Net Zero Roadmap shows greater ambition and implementation, supported by stronger international cooperation, will be critical to reach climate goals

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New AI tool helps financial supervisors and institutions evaluate transition plans | WWF

Last week at the Global Ethical Finance Conference 2023, WWF launched a new tool to help financial supervisors, asset managers and financial institutions evaluate the net-zero transition plans of the companies they are investing in.

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Nature Action 100 announces companies, start of investor engagement process to catalyze greater action on nature loss

Nature Action 100, the first global investor engagement initiative to address the urgent crisis of nature and biodiversity loss around the world, unveiled a list of 100 companies in key sectors in which 190 institutional investor participants – representing $23.6 trillion in assets under management or advice – will engage.

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Deforestation in the context of the TNFD Recommendations: leveraging prior progress, utilising existing datasets and going further with additional guidance

As a co-founder and official piloting partner of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), Global Canopy has welcomed the publication of the final TNFD Recommendations. For the first time, this provides organisations with guidance and disclosure recommendations that help them identify, disclose and act on their material nature-related issues. This is a significant step for finance and business towards a data-driven, global response to the nature crisis in a push to drive financial flows away from nature destruction towards nature positive outcomes.

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Final TNFD Recommendations on nature related issues published

The TNFD Recommendations are a key milestone in the relationship between nature, business and financial capital, positioning nature risk alongside financial, operational and climate risk and helping to shift capital flows to nature-positive outcomes.

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Detailed outline of planetary resilience: six of nine boundaries transgressed | PIK

For the first time, an international team of scientists is able to provide a detailed outline of planetary resilience by mapping out all nine boundary processes that define a safe operating space for humanity. From global warming to the biosphere and deforestation, from pollutants & plastic to nitrogen cycles and freshwater: Six of nine planetary boundaries are being transgressed, while pressure in all those boundary processes is increasing, cutting-edge research published in the journal Science Advances shows.

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USS and University of Exeter develop new climate scenarios to help tackle climate change

Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) and the University of Exeter have released a new report calling for a radical and urgent shift in the climate scenarios used by investors, governments and businesses to address climate change.

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High-resolution data for effective action on supply chain deforestation | Trase

Forests are central to addressing the world’s climate and biodiversity crises. They capture and store carbon, play a critical role in the water cycle, and offer homes to countless species. For financial institutions pursuing net-zero and nature-positive portfolios, action on forests is a key priority.

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Nature Positive Initiative launches to promote the integrity and implementation of the Global Goal for Nature

Today, 27 of the world’s largest nature conservation organizations, institutes, business and finance coalitions have come together to launch a new initiative aimed at driving alignment around the definition, integrity and use of the term ‘nature positive’ and supporting broader, longer-term efforts to deliver nature-positive outcomes.

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UN experts have taken action about Saudi oil major’s Aramco human rights responsibilities for climate change | ClientEarth

United Nations human rights experts have sounded the alarm over the significant human rights impact Saudi Aramco and its financial backers have across the world through the state-run oil company’s outsized contribution to the climate crisis.

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More companies set science-based targets in 2022 than the entire seven years prior | SBTi

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) reported a sharp rise in companies setting science-based targets in 2022, with 87% more having their targets validated (1,097), more than the entire previous seven years combined (1,082).

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“Road to Resilience”: New strategy to stimulate investment in climate resilience | IGCC

The Investor Group on Climate Change, whose members manage more than $30 trillion globally, yesterday launched “Road to Resilience” a new strategy to stimulate investment in climate resilience, protecting against the physical risks of climate change.

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IUCN launches guide to effectively and equitably conserving at least 30% of the Earth by 2030

The International Union for Conservation Nature’s World Commission on Protected Areas (IUCN WCPA) has launched a freely available guide to achieving Target 3 or the “30×30 target” of the Global Biodiversity Framework and effectively and equitably conserving at least 30 per cent of the Earth by 2030.

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Montana climate change lawsuit outcome largely in favour of young plaintiffs

In what has been called a landmark legal decision, a Montana court judge has ruled largely in favour of a group of young plaintiffs who alleged the state violated their right to a “clean and healthful environment” by promoting the use of fossil fuels.

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The CORE to investigate Ralph Lauren Canada for human rights violations

The Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise (CORE) is a human rights ombud that reviews complaints about possible human rights abuses by Canadian companies when those companies work outside Canada in the garment, mining, and oil and gas sectors. Its mandate is to encourage companies to follow the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPBHR) and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct. Following an initial assessment of the allegation that Ralph Lauren Canada has supply relationships with Chinese companies that use or benefit from the use of Uyghur forced labour, CORE has decided to launch an investigation into the complaint against Ralph Lauren Canada.

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S&P Global Ratings Update On ESG Credit Indicators

New ESG credit indicators no longer published in credit reports. Distinguishing between credit ratings and ESG ratings is a challenge.

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European Commission adopts ESRS

On 31 July, the European Commission has adopted the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) delegated act, for which you can access the documents below.

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WBCSD Implementation Guidance for the IFRS SDS and ESRS

Guidance to implement sustainability standards, namely IFRS SDS, ESRS and related information about the SEC disclosure rules.

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UK Sustainability Disclosure Standards

UK SDS will be based on the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards S1 and S2

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IOSCO endorses the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards

130 IOSCO members regulating more than 95% of the world's financial markets called to consider adoption and implementation.

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One materiality, and make it a double, please | WWF

by Nicolas Poolen, Senior Manager, Finance Engagement, Global Nature Positive Initiative, WWF International

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Raising responsible investment best practice in asset management: Guidance manuals | ShareAction

The first paper recommends how asset managers can set interim net zero targets that are fit for purpose

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Gender-smart investing is just that: smart | 2X Global

by Hedda Pahlson-Moller, CEO of TIIME, and Sana Kapadia, Director of Strategy at 2X Global, and Cécile Sevrain, co-founder & Head of Impact Measurement and Management at TIIME

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Taking a proactive approach to human rights | PRI

by Soh-Won Kim, Analyst, and Nikolaj Halkjær Pedersen, Senior Lead, Human Rights and Social Issues, PRI

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A necessary but dilemma-ridden transition of the energy and steel sectors | Danica Pension

Society must and will transition away from fossil energy, and companies must prepare for and contribute to driving this transition. These are the words of Quinn Lui, member of the investment team at Danica Pension. In 2022, Quinn Lui engaged in close dialogue with companies in the energy and steel sectors, and here she shares her thoughts on the green challenges facing these sectors and how she seeks to encourage them to develop ambitious climate plans.

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Tooling up to finance nature | WWF

A selection of tools and approaches for scaling and accelerating investor action for nature and delivering on the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

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Sizing the ESG data challenge for asset owners

We assess the daunting data challenge lurking in the latest Target Setting Protocol of the Net Zero Asset Owners Alliance.

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Companies acknowledge it’s cheaper to mitigate risk caused by deforestation but only 10% report taking sufficient action | CDP

A record 1,043 companies disclose forest-related risks through CDP, but are still not acting to mitigate them effectively and are risking nearly $80 billion in total as a result. CDP, the world’s environmental disclosure platform, finds. The findings come a week after the World Resource Institute announced that an area the size of Switzerland was cleared from Earth’s most pristine rainforests in 2022. Companies and financial institutions are already on track to lose billions but if deforestation continues at this rate the economic and environmental cost will be catastrophic.

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Scottish Widows warns of tougher action on lagging asset managers as it issues its latest Stewardship Report

For the first time, Scottish Widows has conducted a comprehensive analysis of the voting records of its main managers and published the results in its annual Stewardship Report. In accordance with the findings of the analysis, the company is accompanying the publication of today’s report with a stark warning to those found to be in misalignment with its voting guidelines.

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Investor expectations: A set of corporate actions released to address the urgent nature crisis | Nature Action 100

The Launching Investor Group and Secretariat behind Nature Action 100, the first global investor engagement initiative to address the urgent nature crisis and its impact on long term shareholder value, released a set of timely and necessary corporate actions that will protect and restore nature and ecosystems and mitigate financial risk.

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Choosing the right tools for the job – getting ready for nature-related disclosures | WWF

INSIGHT by Nicolas Poolen, Senior Manager Nature Positive Finance, WWF International & Rebekah Church, Global Lead Biodiversity Stewardship, WWF Germany. Photo credit: Rebekah Church – © Kathrin Tschirner/WWF-Germany; Nicolas Poolen – © Leonie Linotte

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