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Organisations - net-zero


investESG is a dedicated ESG online media platform providing asset owners and other readers restriction-free access to an industry-relevant ESG investing discourse, expert insights and research resources committed by various standard setters, interdisciplinary experts, asset owners and managers worldwide.


Euroclima, the Global Gateway initiative building partnerships between the EU and the Latin America and the Caribbean regions as they lead the green and just transition.

Anthos Fund & Asset Management

We are Anthos Fund & Asset Management (Anthos), established almost 100 years ago. It is our mission to provide comprehensive values-based asset management and investment advisory services to select, like-minded clients, implemented across various asset classes.


SQUAD Fonds steht für spezialisierte Fondsboutiquen, die in kleinen Teams Aktien- und Mischfonds beraten. Aktuell befinden sich acht verschiedene Fonds, mit einem Fondsvolumen von insgesamt über 1,2 Mrd. Euro, auf der gemeinsamen Fondsplattform.

TOL - Test Organisation Live

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B4NZ - Bankers for Net Zero

Bankers for Net Zero (B4NZ) was formed in October 2019 with the aim of galvanising credible, demonstrable leadership from the UK banking sector on climate change. The initiative brings together banks, businesses, policymakers and regulators to define and implement the interventions needed to accelerate the UK economy’s transition to net zero.

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