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by Responsible Alpha

Quants Find Risks Signaling ESG & Financial Litigation Risks

In 2022, Responsible Alpha and Deception And Truth Analysis (DATA), a leading technology-based deception revealing company specializing in assessing documentation for deception, leveraged quantitative tools to analyze the accuracy of corporate statements in financial reporting by New Fortress Energy (NFE) demonstrating: • Corporate deception in regulated financial reports. • Greenwashing of ESG commitments. • Accuracy of financial disclosures. By 2024, NFE faced class-action lawsuits alleging securities fraud, linked to inflated revenue projections and inconsistent narratives about the Fast LNG project. These legal challenges have also been coupled with a significant decline in stock price, including a 23.6% drop in August 2024, after adjusted EBIDTA calculations came in $155 million dollars short of their second quarter projections.

Investor Sentiment Towards the Green Bond Market in Latin America and the Caribbean

This study explores investor sentiment towards the growing green bond market in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). From our survey results of institutional investors, we find institutional investors are interested in increasing their investment exposure to green bonds from the LAC region focused on funding both Nationally Determined Contributions and other green activities dependent on transparency of Use of Proceeds and data in the primary and secondary markets. These findings shed light on the current state of investor sentiment and highlight risks and opportunities pertinent LAC regional issuers, development banks, regulators, and civil society, and both LAC regional and global institutional investors. Addressing these risks and opportunities could potentially improve investor confidence and encourage greater participation in green finance, which could promote sustainable development not only in Latin America and the Caribbean, but also globally. ​

Port of Houston Financial & Climate Risk

Responsible Alpha calculated the financial risks for the Port of Houston $393MM revenue bond from climate risk.

Swimming Upstream: Financial Strategies to Pivot US Fisheries to Sustainability

Commercial fishing is vital to the US economy, contributing billions of dollars annually and supporting millions of jobs. In 2022, the US commercial fishing industry harvested over 8.3 billion pounds of seafood valued at $5.9 billion. Beyond direct harvesting, the industry generated $183.4 billion in sales impacts, $47.2 billion in income, and $74 billion in value-added impacts, supporting 1.6 million jobs across the broader economy. Responsible Alpha provides a summary of options to use sustainable finance to improve U.S. fisheries.

The Chemical Coast: Financing Facilities and Property Taxes Avoidance

The Chemical Coast, along the Gulf Coast of Texas and Louisiana, is where 84% of U.S. plastics production, across the sector’s supply chain, is located. Each state has policies that both support using industrial revenue bonds and limit property taxes on petrochemical facilities, which produce the chemicals used in plastics manufacturing, that use fossil fuel energy with fossil fuel feedstocks to make the plastics we use, despite significant risks to local communities’ health.

Responsible Alpha's SEC Climate Risk Research Used by 123 Institutions

Responsible Alpha developed the business, economic, and investment analysis used by 123 environmental, indigenous rights, and racial justice organizations in their letter to the Honorable Gary Gensler, Chair, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on the proposed rule "The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors."

Duke Energy: Environmental Justice Risks in 2022

In 2022 Duke Energy Corporation had $84 billion in market capitalization, $62 billion in fixed income securities, and 27,000 employees, as an energy company located primarily in the Americas that owned an integrated network of energy assets and it is one of the largest U.S. utilities. ​ In 2020, Duke reported Scope 1 emissions of 75 million mtCO2e, 24.5 thousand metric tons SO2, 39 thousand metric tons NOx, and 142.4 thousand metric tons methane emissions with coal generating 20.9% total electricity. ​ For years, Duke has stored coal ash in landfills and ponds that often leak toxins into waterways. A leak in 2014 at a Duke North Carolina coal ash pond site left coal ash coating 70 miles of the Dan River. In 2015, Duke pled guilty and agreed to $102 million in fines and restitution due to federal environmental crimes because the company acknowledged it coal ash dumps at five power plants to leak toxic waste into water supplies.

Dominion Energy: Environmental Justice Risks in 2022

As of 2022, Dominion Energy was the lead investor in the Atlantic Coast Pipeline joint venture was a 604-mile-long natural gas pipeline with a capacity of 1.5 billion cubic feet of gas daily to alleviate a bottleneck to gas produced from the Marcellus Shale in Appalachia reaching growing markets in Virginia and North Carolina. Environmental risks, community risks, and climate risks killed the $8 billion Atlantic Coast Pipeline, forcing multibillion-dollar writeoffs at Dominion and Duke.