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POLSIF joins Eurosif as full member

Eurosif, the leading pan-European sustainable finance association, is delighted to welcome the Sustainable Investment Forum Poland (POLSIF) as its eleventh full member.

Published Eurosif on 2024-10-09
Kamil Gliwiński
POLSIF is the fifth sustainable investment forum to join Eurosif as a full member in the last two years, marking a nearly 50% increase in our membership during this period. POLSIF is also the second SIF from the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region to attain full membership, following on from CzechSIF in 2023. This is a significant milestone, both in the growth of Eurosif as a truly pan-European association, but also in the development of the sustainable investment and finance industry in Poland, and the wider CEE region.
In its first full year of operations, POLSIF has grown from 30 founding members to 125, consisting of influential sustainable finance experts and prominent financial institutions and has established itself as the most important organisation in Poland promoting sustainability values and practices. The creation and rapid expansion of new SIFs in various countries, particularly in Central and Eastern Europe, is a testament to the strong interest in sustainable finance among investors and financial institutions.
Commenting on POLSIF becoming a full member of Eurosif, Nathalie Dogniez, Chair of Eurosif, said: 
We are really delighted to welcome POLSIF to Eurosif and to count the organisation among our members. The rapid growth of POLSIF is evidence of the dynamism of sustainable investing in Europe and we expect that POLSIF will contribute to Eurosif’s network and activities with valuable insights and perspectives on sustainable developments in the Central and Eastern European region.
Krzysztof Kaminski, Chairman of POLSIF said: 
We are thrilled that the Sustainable Investment Forum Poland has been officially accepted as a member of Eurosif. This significant milestone not only acknowledges our commitment to driving sustainable finance in Poland but also solidifies our role within the broader European community working towards responsible and sustainable investments. By joining Eurosif, we gain access to a vast network of like-minded organisations, enabling us to contribute to shaping policies, sharing best practices, and promoting sustainable investment standards across Europe. This collaboration is a powerful step in strengthening Poland’s position in sustainable finance and advancing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles across industries. We look forward to actively engaging with Eurosif and its members in accelerating the transition to a more sustainable and inclusive economy in Europe.
Eurosif looks forward to deepening its cooperation with POLSIF and to further supporting its activities and growth. Likewise, the expertise and perspectives of industry experts from Poland will continue to strengthen Eurosif’s positions to ensure the specific challenges and characteristics of the CEE region are reflected. Eurosif also looks forward to POLSIF’s first Sustainable Finance Forum that will take place on 21-22 November 2024 at the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Eurosif Executive Director, Aleksandra Palinska, will be among the speakers at the event.
POLSIF was established in September 2023 by a group of leading experts and financial institution representatives from the asset management and private equity industries as well as the Warsaw stock exchange, banks and other members of the financial community. A partner for the national administration and a member of the Polish Sustainable Finance Platform, POLSIF will soon host its first Sustainable Finance Forum - the first conference in Poland dedicated to ESG and sustainable finance topics relevant for financial institutions.
POLSIF became an observer of Eurosif in October 2023. SIFs applying for Eurosif membership are first invited to join as observers. After a period of maximum one year, observers are expected to apply for full membership of Eurosif. As a full member of Eurosif, POLSIF will now enjoy voting rights within the association and be able to put candidates forward for future Eurosif Board elections.
You can find out more information about POLSIF and its activities at POLSIF.
Krzysztof Kaminski, Chairman of the POLSIF Board: [email protected]
Eurosif is the leading pan-European association promoting sustainable finance at the European level - encompassing the European Union (EU), the wider European Economic Area (EEA) and the United Kingdom (UK). Eurosif is a membership organisation of European based national Sustainable Investment Fora (SIFs). Many SIFs have a broad and diverse membership including asset managers, institutional investors, index providers and ESG research & analytics providers. Eurosif and its members are committed to the growth and development of sustainable finance and support the ambition of European and global policymakers in enabling a fully transparent and high-quality sustainable investment market through appropriate and well-designed regulation and industry best practice.
Eurosif’s activities involve contributing substantively to public policy development and conducting research that enables a better understanding of ESG implementation, the sustainable finance market, and the obstacles encountered by sustainability-oriented investors.
A full list of Eurosif’s members can be found here and further information is available at:
Calum Thomson, Communications Officer: [email protected]