ICGN Policy Forum & Proxy Season Review (20-21 September 2023, London)
Adding even more value to our review of the proxy season, the 2023 ICGN Policy Forum & Proxy Season Review (held on 20 and 21 September in London) will be a two-day event.

As well as focussing on international trends and highlights of the current year while looking forward to hot topics for next year’s proxy season, this year’s event opens with an interactive half-day session on broader policy issues. Our Policy Forum includes the opportunity to hear from leading voices, regulators and standard setters, and to share your own perspective on ICGN’s Policy work.
Day One’s interactive sessions will be followed by ICGN’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), which non-members are welcome to attend. Voting is only available to ICGN Lead Members, who will be sent voting instructions and further details
On Day Two, we will focus on international trends and highlights of the current year and share expert views on potential hot issues for next year’s proxy season. ICGN’s Proxy Season Round-up considers annual voting trends, appraise the continued increase in shareholder proposals related to corporate sustainability policies, equity audits, corporate political activity, climate related disclosure and so on.
We will convene business leaders and international investors to proactively engage and anticipate what’s next on the horizon. Please see the agendas for each day of the ICGN Policy Forum & Proxy Season Review below for further details.Location: etc.venues St Paul's - 200 Aldersgate St, Barbican, London EC1A 4HDPlease contact Christopher Smith via [email protected], for sponsorship opportunities.For our registration terms and conditions, please click here