Climate Risk & TCFD Training Course (11 September 2023, London)
Everything you need to know about climate risk analysis and disclosure - a two day practical training course

Learn how to:Fulfil regulatory requirements on climate risk disclosure and likely developments in the future Use quantitative asset and portfolio-based climate risk and opportunity analysisDesign and conduct a portfolio analysis project from scoping to disclosure Integrate analysis and disclosure as an automated and continuous processRead and compare climate risk disclosures from investees Use risk analysis and reporting for the whole set of sustainable development goalsMeet the trainers
Exercises and practical sessionsEstimate climate-related GDP damage for different markets under different climate scenariosDiscuss possible impact on asset values and possible impact on financial markets stabilityGroup Discussion on current experience with financial climate legislation around the globeMap the TCFD framework to your portfolio and perform a qualitative estimation of risks and opportunitiesExploring the TCFD knowledge hubUsing a scenario designer to understand how scenarios are constructed and what they meanUse the provided toolset to perform a quantitative, scenario-based analysis of risks and opportunities in your portfolioDesign a blueprint approach (incl. roadmap) for TCFD analysis implementationSee the full agenda
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CPD CertifiedEngaging in Continuing Professional Development ensures that both academic and practical qualifications do not become out-dated or obsolete; allowing individuals to continually ‘up skill’ or ‘re-skill’, regardless of occupation, age or educational level. This course has been assessed and is CPD certified.