FinComm Services / MJ's ESG Insights Collective
LinkedIn ProfileFinComm offers corporate sustainability reporting information and advisory services to individuals and corporations.
About Organisation
FinComm provides information and advisory services that meet companies' specific needs and circumstances so that they can take action with clarity and confidence, wherever they happen to be on their ESG and sustainability reporting journey.
In addition, MJ's ESG Insights Collective membership offers individuals exclusive ongoing access to valuable information, insights, and advice on corporate sustainability reporting, so they can be the in-house specialist on ESG and corporate sustainability reporting.
MJ Privyk, FinComm's Founder and ESG Advisor, discovered her passion for all things related to ESG integration and sustainability reporting more than 12 ago, while working as director of investor relations for a publicly listed company. She has remained an avid learner, practitioner, advocate, and advisor ever since.
As an experienced capital markets practitioner of more than 30 years, she brings a unique combination of knowledge and experience in financial analysis, capital markets, business valuation, corporate reporting, investor relations, and deep expertise in the practice of corporate sustainability reporting and ESG data management.
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