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Decarbonizing the cement industry: Green Cement Technology Tracker launched

INSIGHT by the Stockholm Environment Institute

Published investESG on 2023-08-18
© Andreas Rasmussen
The Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT) and the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) have launched a new tracker, to help policymakers, industry experts, academics and the public monitor worldwide decarbonization efforts in the cement industry.
The Green Cement Technology Tracker was unveiled on 20th of July, at an international inter-governmental meeting focused on clean energy, which is taking place in India (CEM14-M18).
Cement and concrete are vital to the built environment, used for homes, infrastructure and to provide things like clean running water. But the sector also accounts for 7% of global CO2 emissions. With the launch of the GCCA’s Concrete Future 2050 Net Zero Roadmap, it became the first heavy industry to set out a clear plan on how to decarbonize.
The launch of the Green Cement Technology Tracker is the next step along the industry’s roadmap.

“In order to empower the industry and policymakers committed to emission reductions, our goal is to provide comprehensive tracking of public announcements of investments in low-carbon cement technologies.”

-Per Andersson, Head of the Secretariat – LeadIT

The Green Cement Technology Tracker currently includes Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS), accounting for 36% of planned reduction levers in the GCCA 2050 Roadmap for Net Zero Carbon Concrete that leading manufacturers have committed to. Future steps to enhance the tracker include expanding its scope to cover more technologies that reduce emissions from cement manufacturing.

“Unleashing technology such as CCUS is key to achieving our net zero mission in our sector. Carbon capture pilots, projects and announcements are picking up pace across the world. This technology works, and our next goal is to scale up, working with stakeholders such as governments and the investment community to help transform the industry worldwide.”

-Thomas Guillot, Chief Executive of the GCCA

The Tracker will be instrumental in assessing progress and ensuring transparency of low-carbon cement technologies, initially carbon capture and, in the future, complementary efforts to reduce emissions from cement manufacturing.
Preliminary data from the Green Cement Technology Tracker reveals that initiatives for carbon capture technologies are underway worldwide, predominantly in Europe, followed by Asia, North and South America, and Australia. Full-scale operational carbon capture plants are expected to come on stream in the coming years. Approximately half of the announced CCS and CCUS projects disclose their expected capture volumes. Post-combustion capture technology is currently the most common investment.
Stockholm Environment Institute: We are an international non-profit research and policy organization that tackles environment and development challenges. We connect science and decision-making to develop solutions for a sustainable future for all. Our work spans climate, water, air and land-use issues, governance, the economy, gender and health. Stakeholder involvement is at the heart of our efforts to build capacity, strengthen institutions and equip partners for long-term change.
The Green Cement Technology Tracker tracks public announcements of low-carbon cement investments aligned to corporate climate goals consistent with the Paris Agreement. The tool is developed jointly by the Global Cement & Concrete Association and the Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT), in collaboration with the UN Climate Change High-Level Champions. Aimed at accelerating technology adoption and global decarbonization, the tool seeks to support the cement industry to meet its commitments, progress towards net-zero emissions. Regular updates engage stakeholders like producers, researchers, policymakers and investors to ensure data relevance. For more information, visit the LeadIT website.
The Leadership Group for Industry Transition (LeadIT) was launched by the prime ministers of Sweden and India at the UN Secretary General’s Climate Action Summit in 2019. LeadIT brings together countries and companies committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions from industry by 2050 and is supported by the World Economic Forum (WEF). The LeadIT Secretariat is hosted by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and manages the work of the Leadership Group.
The Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) and its members account for 80% of global cement production capacity outside of China, as well as some key Chinese manufacturers. Member companies have committed to reducing and ultimately eliminating CO2 emissions in concrete (which currently account for around 7% globally), through implementation of the GCCA’s Concrete Future 2050 Net Zero Roadmap – the first heavy industry to set out such a detailed plan.
The Tracker does not include confidential information pertaining to carbon capture projects in the cement and concrete sector. Its content is derived from public sources, and any confidential projects may not be represented in the Tracker.

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