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The Great Connector for Smart Associations to Map the Future Together | Joachim von Halasz

Published investESG on 2020-10-09
INSIGHT by Joachim von Halasz, Founder and Chairman, Tuesday Club
The platform has been chosen by PLSA and TISAtech to launch a joint ESG investment strategy evaluation. This is the first time that two established and highly respected UK associations have issued a joined request for information.

This is a prime example of best practice of inter-association cooperation to collect maximum quality of information to educate whole industries. It will inspire and encourage other associations to seek similar cooperations to map unchartered frontiers to generate relevant information for the financial service industry.

TISAtech, the new UK industry-led digital platform for FinTechs – including ESG technologies – launched by The Investing and Saving Alliance (TISA), in cooperation with the UK Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) has sent a Request for Information (RFI) to over 1,700 asset managers globally on to gather information about environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues facing investors and their ESG-centric investing strategies.
A primary objective of this RFI is to share the insights with trustees of UK pension schemes and asset owners to support the active management of their exposure to climate change, in line with the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures recommendations set out by the UK Pensions Minister earlier this year. This will help pension trustees perform their duties which include governance of climate change as a major financial risk to their investments.
The aggregate data will be used to present those asset managers that demonstrate a commitment to ESG-focused competencies and capabilities to UK pension trustees and asset owners, highlighting expertise and innovation in the investment process. A report will also be published to all key industry policymakers and stakeholders as a mechanism to drive change and greater engagement across the industry.
For more information please go to The RFI was launched on 24th September and the deadline is 22nd October 2020.
Tuesday Club is trans-disciplinary by nature. It addresses a wide variety of topics through critical engagement, prospective thinking and strategic foresight. It strives to offer its members a learning platform and networking opportunities with global reach.
All opinions expressed are those of the author. is an independent and neutral platform dedicated to generating debate around ESG investing topics.