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GRI at COP16: advancing transparency on biodiversity impacts

Join our events and activities at Biodiversity COP16 in Cali, Colombia

Published GRI on 2024-09-25
The alarming decline in biodiversity is one of the most pressing challenges facing the world, with serious consequences for the environment and society. At GRI, we are doing our part to protect nature by fostering corporate accountability on biodiversity impacts. That’s why in October we will be participating at COP16 in Colombia.  
With the aim of driving global commitments to protect nature and ensure the sustainable use of resources, COP16 will bring together diverse stakeholders from around the world, including governments, civil society, businesses, financial institutions and academia. GRI actions will be focused on encouraging organizational transparency through GRI 101, the new Topic Standard for Biodiversity. 
Senior GRI representatives will engage in key events to discuss the implementation of the Biodiversity Standard and present results from the pilot program on GRI 101 early adopters. Key resources and support, such as the GRI Academy course on biodiversity, Spanish and Portuguese translations of GRI 101, and the interoperability mapping resource in collaboration with the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) will also be shared. 
GRI engagements include: 
Innovations in transparency and reporting on biodiversity: Paving the way for sustainable futures (30 October, Marriott Hotel Cali, 13:30 – 20:30 UTC-5): This session from GRI and S&P Global will share how impact reporting contributes to halting biodiversity loss; how companies can implement GRI 101 to disclose their impacts on nature; and how GRI is partnering with other standard setters to provide a seamless reporting experience.  Leaving no-one behind: How just transition and nature-positive impacts intersect:(24 October, Blue Zone - Nature Positive Pavillion, 10:30 – 11:30 UTC-5): A multi-stakeholder panel discussion on achieving an inclusive and equitable transition to a nature-positive economy, led by Andrea Pradilla, Director of GRI Latin America. Opportunity or challenge? How can digitalization transform biodiversity reporting?(25 October, Blue Zone - Nature Positive Pavillion, 15:30 pm - 16:30 UTC-5): This session, led by GRI Interim CEO Cristina Gil White, will assess the current state of play and potential new frontiers for biodiversity reporting, looking at how digital transformation will impact reporting in the next five to ten years, and how we can ensure that changes are positive. How corporate transparency helps protect biodiversity (27 October, Blue Zone - Nature Positive Pavillion, 12:00 – 13:00 UTC-5): In this interactive session led by GRI technical experts Harold Pauwels (Director Standards) and Elodie Chene (Senior Manager Standards), we will hear from companies that piloted GRI 101, their experiences with data collection and how the information can inform their company’s strategy. (Session in Spanish): How corporate transparency helps protect biodiversity (27 October, Blue Zone - Nature Positive Pavillion, 13:00 - 14:00 pm UTC-5): This event, led by Andrea Pradilla and Lina Camargo of GRI Latin America, will look at the reporting experiences of regional companies that have piloted the GRI Biodiversity Standards. The “nature” of reporting: Corporate disclosure and transition planning (27 October, Green Zone - Hotel Dann Carlton, 17:30 - 19:30 UTC-5): Harold Pauwels will speak in this event led by TNFD, where key organizations, regulators, standard-setters and framework bodies will gather to showcase progress and updates since COP15.   Join us in Cali for insightful conversations on biodiversity impact reporting, or check GRI’s social media channels for live transmissions of some of these activities. Stay tuned for more updates on GRI at COP16 in our events calendar