New training on how to disclose biodiversity impacts
GRI Academy course focuses on the revamped Biodiversity Standard

Sustainability professionals can now build and improve their expertise and knowledge of how to report their impacts on nature with the revised GRI Biodiversity Standard – following the launch of a new course.
Charting a greener path: reporting on biodiversity with GRI Standards is now available on the GRI Academy - the leading sustainability reporting training platform. The online training takes an in-depth look at the disclosures in GRI 101: Biodiversity 2024, the newly launched standard.
The course provides the know-how for how to best use and apply GRI 101. Moreover, the course deep dives into biodiversity as a wider topic, exploring current global trends and challenges and stakeholder expectations for businesses to disclose and reduce their biodiversity-related risks and impacts.
Offering an interactive and self-paced learning experience, the course includes the following components:
The GRI Standards and GRI 101 Biodiversity – trends, challenges and opportunities Why is biodiversity relevant to business? Integrating biodiversity into sustainability reporting
We are thrilled to launch our new course to equip sustainability professionals with the skills they need to deliver comprehensive and high-quality reporting on biodiversity, at a time when nature is on a precipice. Through the course, learners will acquire the tools to take their impact reporting to the next level and stay ahead of the curve, all the while driving sustainable business practices that can help safeguard biodiversity.
Natalia Florez, Senior Manager – GRI Academy
The course takes approximately two-and-a-half hours to complete and can also be completed as part of the GRI Professional Certification Program’s Continuing Education Units - which are necessary to maintain the certification obtained. Access this flyer for an overview of the benefits of becoming a GRI Certified Sustainability Professional.
GRI 101: Biodiversity 2024 launched in January and sets a new global benchmark in accountability for biodiversity impacts, supporting organizations around the world to comprehensively disclose their most significant impacts on biodiversity, throughout their operations and value chain.