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Home Insights Latin America at the forefront of global biodiversity discussions

Latin America at the forefront of global biodiversity discussions

Medium article by Andrea Pradilla, Director of GRI Latin America


Published by Global Reporting Initiative

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The UN Conference of the Parties on Biodiversity (COP16), taking place in Cali, Colombia, will gather diverse actors to catalyze collective action to transform our relationship with the natural world. 

In this Medium article, Andrea Pradilla shares her reflections about the importance of this event for the region and the role of impact reporting in protecting nature:

Latin America moves centerstage in drive for accountability on biodiversity impacts


Protecting our natural heritage can only be done through a collective effort — including governments, the private sector, civil society, local communities, financial institutions and others. This multi-stakeholder ethos, as envisaged by GRI, needs to be a prerequisite for COP16 to stand any chance of succeeding in its aims. If this shared responsibility can be realized, I believe COP16 can be the turning point for Latin America and beyond.

Andrea Pradilla, Director of GRI Latin America


Setting a new global benchmark in accountability for biodiversity impacts, a major revision to the Biodiversity Standard — GRI 101 — published in January, which represents internationally agreed best practice in corporate transparency and biodiversity. At COP16, GRI will be focusing on efforts to sustain momentum for biodiversity reporting, built on GRI 101.

Photo credit © GRI

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