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Home Insights Mining Sector Standard published in more languages

Mining Sector Standard published in more languages

Seven new translations of GRI 14 now available


Published by Global Reporting Initiative

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In line with GRI’s commitment to provide the global common language for sustainability reporting, seven translations of GRI 14: Mining Sector 2024 have been published. In addition to English, the Mining Standard can be freely downloaded in Simplified Chinese, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish. Further translations – in Italian, Arabic and Traditional Chinese – will be made available soon. 

GRI 14, the first global transparency standard for responsible mining, addresses the pressing need for consistent, granular and complete reporting on the sector’s wide-ranging impacts and contributions to sustainable development. Launched in February of this year, it is the fourth addition to GRI’s Sector Standards series and enters into effect for reporting on 1 January 2026. 

Applicable to any organization operating in mining and quarrying, GRI 14 enables them to use a common set of metrics to disclose their impacts. The Mining Standard: 

  • Sheds light on the dual nature of the mining sector: providing essential minerals and metals that society relies on, while having significant impacts on the environment, communities and workers. 
  • Sets expectations for site-level transparency that reflect local impacts, to help stakeholders assess impacts and risks by location and specific minerals. 
  • Covers critical themes that range from emissions to waste, human rights to land and resource rights, climate change to biodiversity, anti-corruption to community engagement. 
  • Introduces three topics not previously addressed by GRI, yet specifically relevant to mining firms: tailings management, artisanal and small-scale mining, and operating in conflict zones. 

GRI thanks the peer reviewers who contributed their time on a voluntary basis to ensure the accuracy and usability of these translations, expanding the accessibility of the world’s most widely used sustainability reporting standards. 

Photo credit © GRI

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