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Home Insights Securing progress: from impacts to action

Securing progress: from impacts to action

GRI’s annual report discloses the organization’s key impacts


Published by Global Reporting Initiative

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Setting an example for other organizations and businesses on how to embrace transparency and accountability for impacts on the economy, environment and people, GRI has published its annual sustainability report. 

Produced in accordance with the GRI Standards, the 2023 Annual Report: Mainstreaming impact reporting - builds on the materiality assessment and stakeholder engagement exercise, with insights on the following six material topics: 

  • GRI Standards development 
  • Standardized impact reporting
  • Driving reporting uptake 
  • Increasing reporting robustness
  • Impacts on people
  • Economic impacts 

Additionally, the yearly report sheds light on the key activities and achievements across all GRI teams and networks, with a dedicated case study for each geographic region - including the launch of the Sustainability Innovation Lab in Singapore and the Discovering GRI program in Latin America. 

For the first time, the report provides details on diversity and inclusion as well as GRI’s steps towards net-zero, by disclosing calculations of the CO2 emissions from business travel and staff commuting.


As the global leader for impact reporting, it is important for us to walk the talk and demonstrate to other organizations that transparency for impacts is possible. As a medium-sized and internationally operating enterprise, our own report reflects that the GRI Standards are applicable and relevant for any organization, irrespective of size, location or sector. We look forward to continuing on a path of transparency and open dialogue and applying all learnings in our next reporting cycle.

Cristina Gil White, GRI’s Chief Operational Officer


Organizational milestones outlined in the 2023 report include: 

To increase transparency and ensure the high-quality and consistency of disclosed information, the report was externally assured by BDO.  

Disclosures from the following Standards are applied in the 2023 report: 

  • GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021
  • GRI 3: Material Topics 2021
  • GRI 201: Economic Performance 2016
  • GRI 401: Employment 2016
  • GRI 404: Training and Education 2016
  • GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016 

The financial accounts - GRI Annual Accounts 2023 – have also been published, providing a detailed overview of the organization’s income and expenditure, grants and subsidies, and reserves and liabilities. 

Photo credit: © GRI

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