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Influx of global expertise to GRI Supervisory Board

Eight new board member appointments confirmed

Published GRI - Global Reporting Initiative on 2024-01-30
A major renewal of the membership of the GRI Supervisory Board – the body responsible for governing the organization’s long-term priorities and strategy – has taken place.
Following the appointments announced in December 2023 of Jessica Fries (Chief Executive of A4S) as Chair and Bola Adeeko (Director of Special Projects, Flour Mills of Nigeria plc) as Vice-Chair, the new-look Supervisory Board now includes eight new members, who bring highly varied experience from around the world: 
Tinuade Awe, Chief Executive Officer, NGX Regulation (Nigeria)Bruno Bastit, Sustainability Research Director, Global Corporate Governance Lead, S&P Global Ratings (Spain)Aaron Brenner, Senior Analyst, Capital Stewardship Program, United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (USA)Helena Broadbridge, Partner, Deloitte (Denmark)Christie Constantine, former Global Director of Sustainability, Baker McKenzie (USA)Jane Diplock AO, former Director of the Singapore Stock Exchange (New Zealand)Ede Ijjasz, former Regional Director of Sustainable Development for Africa, World Bank (USA)Daniel Klier, Chief Executive Officer, ESG Book (UK)Esther An (Chief Sustainability Officer, CDL) and Bola Adeeko are both re-appointed for a second term while Jack Ehnes, Girish Ramachandran and Meredith Miller have left the Board after completing their term(s). Jianzhong Lu and Jyrki Raina are the other continuing board members.
GRI's dedication to forging a sustainable future aligns with my values and world view. Therefore, it is an honor to join the Supervisory Board. I am committed to playing my part to pursue the sustainability agenda and look forward to collaborating with all stakeholders to ensure we achieve the desired outcomes. Together, we can empower businesses to embrace responsible reporting and make sustainability integral to every organization's path to success.
Tinuade Awe
I’m thrilled to be joining the GRI Supervisory Board after six years serving on the Independent Appointments Committee, where I’ve had the chance to meet many exceptional individuals who are committed to developing the GRI Standards – the world’s most widely used sustainability reporting standards. I look forward to working with my fellow board members and continuing to contribute to GRI’s important mission.”
Bruno Bastit
Being appointed to the GRI Supervisory Board is a fine honor and a great opportunity. The GRI Standards are a foundational pillar upholding social and environmental sustainability worldwide. With my fellow board members and through collaboration with all of GRI's stakeholders, I look forward to helping the organization make reporting on impacts a common and valued practice for all organizations, especially in my home region of North America.
Aaron Brenner
Having previously served in several GRI governance roles over the past 14 years, I am excited to be able to deepen my support for GRI’s mission, now as a Board Member. I am eager to engage with the Supervisory Board on GRI’s strategic direction and priorities, as we strive for collective progress on corporate transparency and accountability for impacts.”
Helena Broadbridge
I'm honored to join GRI's Supervisory Board and look forward to working with my fellow Board members, who represent such a wide range of stakeholders and geographic locations, to help the organization fulfill its vital mission of supporting and driving sustainable business practices.
Christie Constantine
I am honored and delighted to join the Supervisory Board of GRI – the world’s most widely adopted sustainability standard setter, used in over 100 countries around the world. Ensuring accessible and respected global standards that enable entities to report accurate and auditable results is vital. To inform stakeholders, including investors, of the impact of their activities on people and the planet, as well as on the bottom line, has never been more imperative.
Jane Diplock
Globally relevant sustainability reporting standards are more important than ever and as demands for robust and reliable ESG information increase, GRI is ready for this challenge. It is my privilege to serve in the GRI Supervisory Board and help the organization achieve impactful results at scale.
Ede Ijjasz
It is a privilege to join the Board of GRI at such a pivotal time. For more than 25 years, the organization has been a pioneer in sustainability and is now looking to the next phase of its journey to influence global adoption and the further professionalization of sustainability reporting. Achieving success is fundamental for the long-term sustainability of the global economy and the planet.
Daniel Klier
Under a two-tier structure, the Supervisory Board oversees and advises the GRI Management Board, which leads on operational policy and management.
Appointments to the Supervisory Board are on a voluntary basis and the terms for the new members commenced on 1 January 2024. The membership was refreshed following a global search for new members.
Board members are drawn from five constituency groups: business enterprise, investment institutions, labor organizations, mediating institutions, and civil society. Diverse representation from global regions is sought, with the current 13 members spanning Eastern and Southeast Asia, North America, Northern and Southern Europe, Oceana, and Western Africa.